Has Anyone Tried The Gummies Advertised On Facebook For Copd?
If you look up www.veriheal.com/conditions/emphysema, medical cannabis consumed as edibles or by Vapor alleviates symptoms, they have anti inflammatory and mucus reducing properties, certain cannabinols assist in breathing better.
Do read the article. Good luck
Unfortunately, if you have aches and pains in general, it will certainly help that, but it does nothing at all for COPD. If you have serious pain, it can help there. Pain requires more 02, so if you can get rid of the pain, that could make a difference in your breathing. But none of the marijuana derivatives with directly impact your COPD.
They won't help anything for COPD. They might get you high but that docent help breathing.
I call it a snake charmers remedy. All about $$$$$$
Thank you to everyone who gave me your opinion
I did for about 1 week and had to quit. I found out the gummy I was trying where also made with grapefruit. I also take high blood pressure med and cannot have grapefruit at all. If you find a product, please let me know.
Has Anyone On Here With COPD Emphysema Tried Any Of The Advertised Products Said To Relieve The Symptons Thank You
Has Anyone Tried CBD Gummies For Your COPD?
Has Anyone Tried Any Of The Advertised Products Said To Ease COPD