Does Anyone Else Have Trouble Keeping Track Of All Meds And Times ?
Alexa can also remind you. He reminds me. I take 20 morning and 3 afternoon and 3 nite. Also my insulin shots. and thats on a sliding scale.
Jael if I'm not mistaken a bubble or blister pack is what the pharmacy packages in weekly sections for all your meds. Similar to the plastic ones that can be bought but already containing the meds and sealed.
I use a 7 day pill dispenser
1 for morning
1 for nights
Thank you, Min, for answering my question. I looked it up and believe I'd rather go with what I have, all things considered. Neat idea though🙂
Hi Pms. I don't take any two meds together at any point during the day. They are all spread out at least two hours apart to give better coverage and breathing relief all day. That said, it can really get out of control after a Flare-up if additional meds are added to the daily regimen.
I use an app on the cellphone and sensors attached to the inhalers to record my usage. Others meds like pills and nebulizer treatments can be recorded manually after each dose. The app only has our COPD meds listed to prevent confusion.
My docs are not that sophisticated, but they can get my adherence info from the Internet if they need it for insurance or put in the files.
Be well.
Has Anyone Been Prescribed To Take Daliresp?
Oxygen Therapy
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