Has Anyone Had A Zypher Valve Placed In Their Lungs. How Did It Help You?
I had mine placed on Oct 19th. I returned to pulmonary rehab last week finally. So happy. I had lung reduction surgery on the right back in 1990. That was from a genetic issue. So 4 valves were just placed in my left lung. The only way I can explain my new breathing is strange. Probably because it's normal. Not 1 struggle, wheeze or 'hitch'. I can talk without stopping. I can eat a reg sized meal. It's just nice to experience normal again.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I had them put in 7 weeks ago
At the University of Michigan. 5 in my lower left lobe.. It's a life changer so far. I walk farther. Not as Sob.. My color is back. I'm warmer.. I can talk with out gasping for air. It's a great thing. Have any questions? Just ask.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member
So glad to hear that!! Please keep in touch as time moves on!!
That is wonderful ‼️‼️
I just qualified today and procedure will be scheduled ASAP as soon as my insurance approves, which DR is not concerned about as they do approve this treatment. It's not a cure but it is more likely to help a lot then make things worse which has happened in rare cases, but they're easily removed. I'm thrilled and had to test for a year. I was turned down bc of my first MRI but after a while he had me take another and it was ok for this. So now, the adventure begins. I am actually optimistic, a rare state of mind 🤩for me
Excellent to hear, @A MyCOPDTeam Member - so glad the valves are working well for you.
Saturday, 05-NOV-22 @ 12:50am PST
Zephyr Valve And Lung Stent Infro.
How Has Everyone Been?
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery