I Am Using A Trimbo Inhaler. Are There Any More Effective Inhalers Available For COPD?
Trimbow inhaler is used in Australia and is a triple therapy inhaler, containing a LAMA, a LABA and an ICS; so two bronchodilators (they work on different areas of the lungs) and an inhaled corticosteroid. You're getting all three meds that are usually given to people with COPD. Whether it's the best is dependent on how you respond. Some people will respond really well to the combination; others won't.
Does Anyone Use Pro Air Respiclick? I Have Been Given A Trial Inhaler And Not Sure Yet How Much To Use. I'm Only Using It Twice A Day.
Anyone Else Useing An Inhaler Called TRIMBO.
Would You Rather Use An Inhaler Intended For Use Once A Day Or Twice A Day?