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A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Quebec, QC

I just heard of a puffer for copd called Breztri, it has been out since 2020, I read on Google comparing it to trelegy, it seems to be much better. My doctor put me on trelegy a month ago, I do not find it helps much, has anyone tried Breztri? If so how do you find it? Thanks.

August 2, 2022
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

I was on Trelegy and found it ok, but my specialist put me on Breztri because I could use it morning and night ,compared with morning only with Trelegy. I am very pleased with the Breztri.

August 9, 2022
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I actually felt the change within a couple of days. I should tell you, though, that I've never been able to take a LAMA before: Spiriva and the other one I tried made my breathing worse. Trelegy contains a LAMA I've never tried before, so I was very leery when I tried it, but lo and behold! It worked!!! It may be the combination, because both the LAMA and LABA were ones I haven't taken before. The only thing I have taken was the ICS, so this was almost a whole new ballgame. At this point, I really don't care.....things did improve a lot!

August 3, 2022
A MyCOPDTeam Member

No worries, you do make a Good point. With the major differences in our healthcare systems you should be able to drive the point harder in getting a med which gives the relief you need. Since your family doctor is willing to prescribe based on her general knowledge of COPD it wouldn't hurt to press for the newer med Brezti. That way you won't have to struggle until you finally get to meet with your Lung doctor.
I feel lucky in that I met with my Primary Doc last week by TeleVisit and had him refill some meds during the video call. My next visit was still another 45 days out anyway. But that may change in coming years as medical workers slowly transition to other fields.
Guard your Health.

August 4, 2022
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hi RollandO my medications are all covered, I live in Quebec and am on disability. The problem is, it is very hard to get ho.d of my lung doctor, he works out of a hospital, and is only at my hospital once or twice a month, then is in Ottawa, when he is here, he is totally boo,Ed, I have only had appointments by phone with him so far because of covid, I am supposed to see him in person in October, I will ask him then. It was my normal doctor that changed me to trelegy when I mention last month that I found the Spiriva and symbicort were not doing much anymore, but will see what happens in October, thank you for getting back, have a great day. Oh yes, I find my breathing on trelegy is actually worse, having breathing problems just going from room to room, was not this bad before.

August 4, 2022
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Your Doctor should be able to provide you with a few samples of the Breztri medicine. The samples come in a weekly dispenser with 28 doses (two sprays per dose, twice per day). She will like give you a couple packages so you can observe the full effect. It may help better because it is taken twice a day.
Check with your pharmacy plan in advance to confirm coverage. It would be expensive if you find that it works but your plan balks at paying the full price. Take care.

August 3, 2022
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