Hi my question is has anyone have her partner have covid and how did you deal with it or what hapenned, i do have my 3 injections but i am scared i stay end of house and he in living room other end, but he woke during the night 3a said i testede positive he got up cause he had symptoms.... i have been so careful has not gone out in 3 yrs only patio in summer.....i am scared i tested this am so far am negative
My husband and I both caught covid at the end of October. We both have copd. We were both doubly vaccinated and our symptoms were fairly mild. We lost our sense of smell and taste, ran a low fever and felt bad. (We got lax and began going out to restaurants again and it got us.) It hit my husband harder than me - he is diabetic and has a few other issues. I mainly was fatigued and ran a low grade temp for a few days... we both got the monoclonal infusions and eventually got better. I have since had the booster - had to wait 90 days after the monoclonal infusion before getting the booster.
MOST people who have been vaccinated and boosted just have a mild illness that they will recover from.....even those with copd like my husband and me.
You will likely catch it if you are living with someone who is positive but since you are vaccinated you should recover just fine since you had your vaccinations. The vaccinations should keep you out of the hospital and alive.
Take care, wash your hands, stay as isolated as you can until he recovers and then clean everything - wash bed linens and pillows, use lysol spray on the upholstered furniture he is using and do all the things we have learned to stay safe.
I am assuming you have an oxymeter since you have copd, but if you don't ---get one and monitor your oxygen levels. You might get two - one for you and one for your husband if you are staying isolated from him. While we were sick with covid we checked our oxygen levels constantly and it helped. We were also fortunate to have oxygen concentrators at home (my husband uses his for sleeping) and he could sit under it 24/7 if needed while he was recovering from covid.
I am 61 years old I refuse to get the covid shot it is not what they make it out to be it's just a big pharmacy fiasco there are some actual pharmaceutical companies that are trying to come up with a real vaccine I will wait till then I get both my flu shot and my pneumonia shot my flu shot I get every year my pneumonia shot every 3 years apparently I am due for a vaccine for shingles which I will get as far as covid I have been exposed to it many times my family for the most part has all had it at one time or another my daughter was forced by the state of Oregon to get her coverage shot now she has extreme migraines so I do not believe these covid vaccines are on the up and up I've done a lot of research and found too many side effects I have been tested a few times for covid when it was going through my family we all live in the same house eat dinner at the same table no one has had any major ill effects from either one of the covid varieties the worst effect is from the covid shot itself that my daughter was forced to get my doctors are trying to force me to take the covid shot because I have severe COPD and many underlying health issues I also have a few relatives that have had a covid vaccine with no ill effects that they're aware of it's just the research that I have done through all these covid vaccines have come up with more negatives than positive there is certain blood types that are immune to the covid variances and I seem to be one of them.
However I take zinc and vitamin d to help protect my immune system that I have been exposed very many times to people with covid and have not had any effects from it I have been tested a couple of times all tests were negative.
How everybody that has covered in my family had mild flu symptoms but nothing that put them in the hospital or they even went to a doctor however they were tested because of their job and the tests were positive so they had to wait 15 days to go back to work and be retested again no ill effects so my thing is to take zinc and vitamin d and stop worrying about it it has become too political for me to leave in any of the so-called science the science has come out that even the mass were not effective in stopping covid or the spread of it and you do not see Dr pouchie much more either in the 1980s he should have lost his license to practice medicine because he come up with a HIV vaccine that killed 27,000 people till I do not trust him whatsoever he is a reason that the covid became transmittable to humans prior to that cattle were vaccinated for it but it was not transmittable to humans until doctor fouche decided to try to weaponize it.
Wow for Mr and this is the truth I went out every morning at 7am walked 4 miles during the pandemic. We live 1 mile from the epic center Elmhurst New York I was am still stage 4 emphysema copd I went at times no mask only banda around my mouth and nose. My wife never gotten sick. We both now have 4 shots my wife still wears mask . This covid is serious but I do not let it interfere in my life. I follow all guidelines and practice. Just relax and keep getting tested I hope your husband was covid shots along with you.
I am one that has not had the vaccine I refuse to get a vaccine that the manufacturers will not release their best data on and has had it locked up for 75 years this puts out a question in my head my family has all had covid my daughter works in the state and was forced to have the covid shot since then she has been suffering major migraine headaches I have another cousin that had suffered from blood clots due to the covid shot the covid-19 shot was supposed to stop you from getting covid it was also protect you and make it so you could not give someone else covid-19 this is all been a lie.
I myself has been exposed to covid many times I have a typo negative blood I have been tested many times every test has been negative in 2019 I had the worst flu I ever had I do believe it was covid at that time had never been so sick in my entire life was in the bed for over a week the only thing that helped me was I had a BiPAP machine with oxygen cuz I have severe COPD careful getting the covid shot it has destroyed a lot of people and their own t cell immune system I will pray for you my friend and please breathe easy and take care of yourself.
Please don't worry I've had my vaccine s and I caught covid but because I had the jabs and only had it mild so try not to worry x
Copd And Covid
How Many On Site Have Had COVID? And Do You Think That After Having It Your Symptoms Of COPD, Have Worsened.
PFIZER JUST RELEASED IT’S LIST OF SIDE EFFECTS OF ITS "COVID-19 VACCINE"💉…….and The List Of Some Side Effects Of The Pfizer-Biontech Covid-