Lately I Have Been A Hard Time Swallowing And Eating. It Takes Me 3-4 Times To Take My Medicines.
I'm wondering if anyone else has had swallowing or eating issues? I've been taking Ensure. If you have this condition let me know if you have any tricks or anything else to slow this process
This is what I read on line
People with COPD and other lung diseases such as
pulmonary fibrosis can develop a swallowing dysfunction called DYSPHAGIA.
Dysphagia can often have severe consequences including an exacerbation or
worsening of COPD and pneumonia.
Swallowing and respiration are the only two… read more
@A MyCOPDTeam Member Hi there Sometimes we get a problem with our 'gag reflex' at the back of our throat. This can be an actual physical thing (narrowing) or caused by anxiety! I used to choke on pills all the time but find that now if i concentrate on something- anything- ie a song or a memory just for the few seconds it takes to relax the gag reflex it goes down without a problem. So i pop the pill well to the back of my throat, have my glass of water at hand and just lean my head back- think of my 'nice' memory and swallow and pill is gone- if it sticks DONT PANIC- just take another slug of water and relax the muscles at the back of the throat and it usually slips on down- its just if it blocks the airway we tend to go into full panic alert which makes it worse Good luck- if al fails u may need to see an ENT consultant but usually you can cantrol this! Breathe easy maureen2
I like to take my pills with a little food if possible as it makes them go down easier, especially vitamins and gel type caps or tablets. The meds I have to take without food are very small and don't seem to be a problem. I haven't tried applesauce....usually I eat something like a cookie or cracker or whatever I am eating as my meal. I especially have problems with vitamins. I solved that by buying gummy vitamins that I could chew.
Yes and aspiration. I’ve also noticed how hoarse I become.
Thanks for the reply. I'm seeing my MD this month and I will discuss this procedure with him. It doesn't sound that much fun but the end it would be worth it. Thanks for the advise!
Thanks for sharing your story. With all the medications I'm forcing myself to eat. I see the pulmo md next month need some questions answered. Thanks for the advise.!
Has Anyone With COPD Experienced The Inability To Swallow?
Rescue Inhalers
Do You Have Tips (or Life-hacks) On How To Remember To Take Your Meds?