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Question About Fostair And Oral Thrush.

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Ystalyfera, UK

I get Oral Thrush continually..I wash my mouth after using it but still I get it. Can I take it in a pill form? It's called Fostair. Thanks

October 14, 2021
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

Find a Mouth Wash that you like, and not just Rinse but Gargle as well. I had thrush once until I took just a little longer Rinsing and Gargle. Hope this helps.

October 14, 2021
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I am using Trelegy. The directions say not to gargle and I have also read not to swallow. I rinse (2) brush teeth and gargle again…….

October 24, 2021
A MyCOPDTeam Member

The suggestion for using a spacer is a very good one and ought to help with this problem. I'd also suggest that you find what we would call in the US a person who is trained in respiratory issues: meds, how to take them, breathing techniques, exercise, spirometry testing and similar things. Ask them to watch you use your Fostair inhaler to see if you are using it correctly. Many of us don't use our inhalers properly and that can contribute to the development of thrush. I always brush my teeth after using my inhaler and I think that helps. There's also a medication called nystatin, among others, that works well.

October 14, 2021
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hi Ziggy. Thanks for your post.
The Fostair medicine does not come in a pill form. Very few meds which can help our breathing pathways do. The inhaler method is a proven way to get the meds right to the lungs where they can be effective.
Anyway, you may also try brushing your teeth soon after each use. They also make a "spacer" device to keep the meds from hitting the back of the throat so hard. Your Doc and chemist can order the AerochamberPlus. It help to control the inhale breath which may help counter the steroid effect in the Fostair. Also, commercial mouthwash may change the bacteria balance in the mouth too much and make the Thrush worse. Instead, a cap of Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda could also make a good rinse.
I learned from a hospital stay that unsweetened yogurt a couple days a week also helps keep the Thrush fungus at bay.
Check with your Doc if the Thrush spreads or becomes painful.
Welcome to this Forum and Take care.

October 14, 2021 (edited)
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I already do that. Thanks though. I needed to know if I could take Fostair in pill form?

October 14, 2021

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