Dealing With Constant Cough And Wheezing.
My mum has COPD and I look after her. I struggle a lot seeing her out of breath. She's still quite mobile but since having her second covid vaccine she's had this hacking cough for weeks and very wheezy. She's had a course of antibiotics and steroids and they haven't made a difference. She won't go to the doctors as she's frightened they'll make her have a chest xray. She won't have one as my brother died of lung cancer and she's terrified. I'm terrified too. I just want to be able to help ease… read more
Hello She does need to go to the doctor, It might be something else. Prayer
I think she's having an exacerbation; that's the wheezing, coughing and trouble breathing. If the antibiotic she was taking and the prednisone haven't helped, she does need to go back to the doc. I can pretty well guarantee that if they do an x-ray, they'll be doing it to look for pneumonia and probably not for anything else. Maybe that's how you get her there. The problem is that if she doesn't go back and get something to get whatever she does have under control, she'll probably end up in the hospital and she doesn't want that. The heat and humidity doesn't help, so if she can stay where it's air conditioned, she'll probably feel a bit better. Good luck..........
You are not doing your Mom any favors by helping her avoiding a chest X-Ray, if she does have lung cancer, the sooner she finds out the better chance she has of beating it. Encourage her to have an ex-ray if needed. I hope all works out for the best for her and you
Lung cancer is scary, but they can treat it now if found early. My brother had one lung taken out and lived several years afterwards.
Humidity is not a good thing with copd
Who Uses Prednisone Constantly