How Do You Travel With Others Overnight With Oxygen?
I travel a lot, and my O2 supplier works with me to ensure that I have a concentrator and tanks wherever I go. I use Lincare, and every month I give them a list of dates, hotel addresses, phone numbers and especially zip codes (that's how they determine which office in an area actually will be the delivery office) and tell them what I want for each place. My Lincare office makes the arrangements and lets me know the phone number of the office and who the arrangements were made with. Usually two business days before I'm to arrive, I call their office and check to be sure I'm on their list for delivery. Usually everything's fine, but if there has been a glitch, we've usually caught it early enough that they can get stuff delivered by the time I arrive. Lincare has been really good to me and I generally get really good service pretty much everywhere I go. I did have a glitch a couple of weeks ago, but they resolved it by having one of their guys make another trip to deliver the equipment and it was there when I got there. When that kind of thing happens, I always fall all over myself thanking them and sometimes get a name and address and send a handwritten thank you note. Honey gets a lot of good service!
If you have a company supplying your oxygen that operates nationwide, they will usually deliver the oxygen equipment, and tank for the next day travel if you let them know where you will be staying (you might have to make reservations ahead of time if staying at a motel). If your supplier does not operate nationwide, would be good to talk to them ahead of time and they might be able to get something worked out.
I get a portable oxygen maker that eorks inmy car as well plugs into the wall. Use to have bottles. Now i have a Mini concentrator yhat comes with me to walk around. And the one i get from my provider is continuous flow for over night. When my regulator went on my bottles they had a new one at my sons for me that night. They are an exceptionional company Medigas in Alberta
thank always have good advice
How To Travel Being On Oxygen For A Two Night Stay At Kings Island...can I Rent A Concentrator For My Room.
Travel With Nighttime Oxygen