Anyone Live In The Wilmington, NC Area (Southport In Particular) Who Could Recommend A Good Pulmonologist And/or Primary Care Doctor?
I live in Leland and I go to Dr Lee Wilmington Health and there is no doubt he is an excellent doctor, so very bright and from what I have heard they all are good in that practice, my friend goes to Dr Green (same practice) and she likes him very much. The problem being mine Dr Lee is he is so busy that it is hard to get in to see him when you have a problem but I have to say Hos nurse Ashley will do all she can to get you in! I do like both very much. I also go to a pulmonologist in Chapel Hill , he and his nurse are wonderful. He is on a study group of COVID and Long COVID . And since I have long COVID and fibromyalgia I feel he is more aware of what is going on with these two things which take taken away my quality of life more than before I had COVID! (End of June )
Have a good day!
Thanks for the lead, Roland. Have a great day.
Why Is It That Every Time I Lie Down I Start Coughing? This Is Keeping Me Awake At Night.
Has Anyone Been Prescribed Xanax Or Valium By Their Pulmonologist?
Who Do Y’all Talk To About Your COPD And Symptoms When You’re Temporarily Scared?? My Family Doesn’t Get It….🤔