Stationary Bike Recommendations
Just wondering if anyone uses a stationary bike and what kind would be recommended from a COPD perspective? Appreciate any feedback. Do not really have room for a treadmill.
I use a recumbent elliptical which can be used sitting or standing. I bought it used for $50. It's a ProForm Hybrid Trainer. I use my IPad to watch videos of riding through the woods, beach and various countries.
I just bought an exercise bike from my neighbour. It is a Free Spirit 600. It shows your speed, distance, calories burnt' heart rate, pulse and time you peddaled.for. I don't think you need i more then that.
my stationary bike I keep on my patio and use it in the evening during the summer months
Although I don't know the answer for you, when I was having physical therapy for COPD, I found out how helpful all the exercise is. I used to have a treadmill and when not in use, we just folded it up so it didn't take up much room. Now I go to the gym in the 55 and older community we live in so the cost is absorbed through our rec dues.
LBangle, you can use O2 with any machine in your home. The Freestep looks very similar to a Nu-Step and much less expensive. I hope it works for you
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Pulmonologist Recommendations
Does Exercising On A Stationary Bike Help Improve Lung Function