Does Any One Experience Sob (short Of Breath) While Cooking At Home?
lately using my crock pot feels like all the air in the room is used up,? is this something i'm not alone at?. I have opened windows and doors, changed the spices I use. thanks for your help.
i have found anything that puts more moisture into the air in the kitchen causes me problems with my breathing. I can't breathe. Putting a fan or A/C on would help if it is pushing the steam away from you. I have trouble with mashed potatoes or pasta. I cannot drain them myself either. someone else has to do it. Maybe this is part of your problem?
Also I open my windows a little at night,just little. My house temp is about 70, bedroom is 68. Sometime I step outside in the winter to get fresh air.,on oxygen at night too
I too have that problem and i thought why am i so sensitive?I realized i have only20% lung capacity which means everything is concentrated in a smaller area,its like putting a teaspoon of water in a gallon of water(normal lung) and taste it,not much,but put the same amount in a cup of water,tastes sugary,same for pollutants,chemicals etc. setting our systems off.
If this is something that is happening now and isn't something that's been going on for some time, it's something you need to run past your doc. Being short of breath when you normally aren't is often the first sign of an exacerbation and you need to stay on top of those! Certainly the temperature in the home and the various herbs and spices can have odd effects sometimes. Sometimes just using a fan to keep the air moving is all that's required.
We cook with liquid petroleum,, it sucks the oxygen rite outa the air,, and replaces it with a lot of not good stuff,,, chokes me out even with the 650 cfm exhaust fan,,,,, even the air fryer effects my breathing,,,, we run the air exchanger a lot,,, not a cure,,, but helps,,, oh,, ya,,
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