I am on Breo and Spiriva and my Doc wants me to try Trelegy. Any input would help. Thanks
I have been using Telegy for two months now it's the best one I ever had my Dr said my lungs sounded clear I haven't heard that in a long time it has really helpful me I don't use my rescue anymore sicen O been using it.I think you will like it keep on keeping
I love the trilogy
Trelegy is a combination of a LAMA/LABA/ICS all in one once a day inhaler. You'll be getting all three of the class of meds you get with the two you're taking now. The difference will be that each pharma company is limited to using their LABA, LAMA and ICS in combination. Since GSK manufactures both Breo and Trleegy, you'll be getting the same ICS and LABA. The difference will be that GSK's LAMA is different from Spiriva (manufactured by Boeringher Ingleheim) and that may cause you not to have as good a result as you might like. Give it a try. You may find that it's the best thing since sliced bread. If not, you can always return to your current regimen.
I have been using Trelegy for about 3 years now. It's difficult to assess how well any drug works unless it cures you - something that’s unlikely to happen with us unfortunately. However, I had to change doctors about a year ago and the new doctor changed my inhaler away from Trelegy, after about a month I asked to go back to it. My overwhelming feeling is that it doesn't last a full 24 hours but then do any of them?
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