I Have Severe Tightness In My Lungs, Is This A Worsening Of My COPD?
If it's a tightness that you don't normally have, it's probably an indication that you're working on an exacerbation. If it just happened today and doesn't go away by tomorrow, get to your doc or ER or urgent care and get checked out. If it's something that's been coming on gradually over months, you still need to get it checked out. Generally that sort of thing is a signal that things are beginning to go south and you need prednisone or antibiotics or both.
Sometimes it will seem that way for a day and the next day is fine. If that happens, watch for it again and see what happens. Sometimes some of those early warning signs will dink around for three or four days before it's clear that something's going on and you need to see your doc. Sometimes a change in the weather can make that happen, too. The real message here is that you need to learn your body and what it's telling you and the only way you can do that is to pay attention, think about what happened the last time you got sick, and wee if you can't pick out those early warning signs of a coming exacerbation.
You have to be very proactive. Pay clos attention to your body. my doc makes sure I have prednisone and antibiotics on hand. As soon as I feel something coming on I start them and call for an appt. you will have fewer hospital trips if you are pro active.
Hi @A MyCOPDTeam Member you are so right , i use to wait till my exacerbation was full blown before i went to the ER or doctors just because i didnt understand my illness. Now as soon as i feel i am coming down with an infection im off to my doctor. I have learnt to recognize the triggers and i am still learning. I get so much information and knowledge from this forum it has been whats helped me through the hard times and enlightened me regarding COPD.
Thank you C. Yes I have had 2 previous flareups of my COPD and was hospitalized both times. I constantly have tightness in my lungs and am on prednisone now. Am feeling a little better today!
Its something that happens with copd.
I Have Severe Tightness In My Lungs, Is This A Worsening Of My COPD?
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