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Does Anybody Have Any Little Tricks That Help

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Barnston Dunmow Essex

Little helps from nurses and other members of rehab groups etc
Some may sound strange but they work
Humming as deep a note as you can causes voice box to vibrate and loosen mucus in the throat
Singing were told is very good to exersize the lungs and chest, though probably best done on your own unless you have a great voice and the breath
In fact addenbroooks hospital have started a singing group in there respiratory treatment with some good results I believe. According to local news channel
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October 28, 2018
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

Purse lip breathing helps me but the best thing is to do cardio workout, treadmill, bike riding, elliptical and weights too. Exercise every day as much as you can. Stay as active as you can. No couch potatoes! Lol Start slow and go at your own pace. Just keep moving! 💃💃💃 Chris

October 28, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

In the US, a lot of Better Breather groups are using has the same effect as singing, in that it encourages good breath control.
Developing a daily exercise program that you do in a gym or senior center is the best things you can do after you quit smoking.

October 28, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I am doing that now with Pulmonary Rehab. The program is great but I am only there 2 days a week for about 30 mins. I need to do more at home I feel tired so much

October 29, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

im the same, i seem to sleep alot more.

October 30, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

yes homemade remidies led to a lot of discoveries,especially a lot from the ancients that are unfortunately lost.

November 2, 2018

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