What Type Of Dr Should I Consult
I noticed some people using numbers to describe their level of copd...what is this?
You need a pulmonologist first to get a definitive diagnosis and secondly for proper meds and a treatment plan. It sounds like you have neither. The definitive test for COPD is a spirometry test at least and a full blown pulmonary function test (PFT) at best. Sometimes a CT scan is used to determine further specifics about your disease. Then you need to ask questions and start learning about COPD. www copdfoundation.org is one of the best sites available for good, solid information that's vetted before it's published. It shouldn't scare you to death and will give you a lot of information on things YOU can do for YOURSELF that will probably be more effective than any inhalers or meds your doc might prescribe.
the nurse who did my test said i was number 2 for copd,there are 4 levels ,mild moderant and the last means you need all the help there is and COPD can be treated pepole have it for years and years,just stay in touch with your dr.and health plan.
You need to see a Pulmonologist and have a full pulmonary function test including a spirometry test. Regards, judg69
I'm curious about the numbers also. How high to they go? Is 4 the end?, I assume they are used to measure the degree of COPD
yes @A MyCOPDTeam Member,you need a pulmonologist, they will help you greatly with inhalers and rehab classes..x
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