Help, My Oxygen Concentrator Is Blowing Off My Tubing. What Is Wrong With It? I Cant Use It. Thank God I Have Portable Machine.
The only thing that happened is I put regular water in my 02 bottle and it got clogged up because the tubing had crystals in it. I had to by pass it. Now the tubing wont stay on?????? I put new tubing on it. Confused!!!!@
Where tubing slips on nipple take the wire tie from a bread loaf and twist it tight around nipple at connection, that should hold it temporarily. Get your o2 supplier to check it out for premanent fix.
Your welcome. Is someone coming out tonight? I hope you can breath more easier as soon you get another concentrator. Please keep me posted.
I would get a hold of your provider and they will come out for an emergency call. Then they would give you a loaner overnight. It's scared when you cannot breath without oxygen. It happened to me when I was out of town. I called the sister station. They refused to come out. The hotel manager went to get what I needed for my concentrator.
Maybe you are not pushing the tubing far enough back on the nozzle and the pressure is popping it off. try pushing it a little farther on.
Call inogen and explain to them what's going on. They will send you a new machine overnight no questions asked.
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