I have copd. With fev1 at 28 .What can I do yo try to make it better.
You may not be able to do anything to increase your FEV1, but you can do something to make your lungs function more efficiently. Talk with your doc about pulmonary rehab or about beginning an exercise program on your own. As crazy as it sounds, exercise is the best thing you can do for yourself. You need to be aiming toward doing 30 minutes of non-stop walking or whatever you choose. Most of us can't do that, so we start where we are and work our way up from there. You also need to work with weights to build muscle strength, about 30 minutes every other day, with exercises for the upper, lower and core muscle groups. You will be amazed after a couple of months how much better you feel and how much more you are able to do. So talk with your doc and get started.
I did pulmonary rehab exercises feel lot better carrying on with exercises at home now
Thanks for all the info I have looked into looks good .Did 101 today and will be back with it tomorrow I have made up my mind this has to come first.
Will let you know how everything goes.
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