What Is Stage 4 Copd
What does stage 4 mean..Stage 4 COPD
Stage 4 is very severe COPD. The staging thing is really designed to help docs who aren't pulmonologists determine what meds and treatments to prescribe for you. It really doesn't help you much to know that you're stage 4 unless your doc isn't prescribing the appropriate meds and treatments. Most of us pay more attention to what we can do and how comfortably we can do it. By the same token, if your doc hasn't discussed the importance of exercise with you, you might want to find another doc. Be sure you have a pulmonologist; don't rely on your family doc. All due respect to them, family docs often don't have appropriate experience and knowledge to deal well with COPD.
ask Dr. for some meds... I had the same problem and dr prescribed a cough pill and felt much better. Could also be cronic broncitis
I have more trouble with an awful cough than I have with breathing. Iām on 3 different cough medicines. I have had this since October. Does anyone else have this problem? After a bad coughing episode it takes everything out of me.
you got that right , I go to a specialist who deals with COPD and he's very good at his job he has helped me a lot.
my family doctor for 2 years said I just had broncitis and prescribed antibiotics. It wasn't until I went into the hospital emergency room for something else that they found the COPD and immediately was rushed to the ICU pulmonary ward.
About A Procedure
What Are The Stages Of COPD And The Life Expectancy
How Many Stages Of Copd Are There?