What's Adding People To Our Teams All About?
It confuses me and I've noticed some new members are asking the same question. Why do we have these teams and what are they for?
Alas I think regardless we are but one team !
I think this site and teams and all of it is so wonderful, there are a lot of people on here and I haven't made a dent in getting to know them, I would be honored to help and be able to answer questions anyone may have, I feel such a part of this site, I feel comfortable, I feel helped, I wish in all the 45 years I have had this rare hearing loss that there had been a site like this for that, I am 70 and just learning "no help" "not much understanding if any" but this site is a little haven for me, hugs to you all
Not everyone wants advice. they just need to rant, get things off their chest other than sputum , so they can then calm down and quickly get back to normal. when people rant, they arent always seeing things in a rational way, and someone giving advice at that point is not always a good thing.because they arent giving the adviser a true picture of the problem. ive had this happen to me on a diabetic forum/ though i did once WANT advice on what i could eat after going off meat including chicken and fish.. i was low carbing, not NO carbing . in other words eating less bread potatoes and no cakes but not going to the eileen atkins diet extreme. got a woman on there getting really agitated with me, telling me i must not eat more than 40-50 grams of carbs PER DAY. in spite of telling her my dietician had suggested i only lower it to 50g PER MEAL which had resulted in me getting ill twice so i upped my intake of carbs to 60g per meal on some meals. she had a right go at me to the extent that i gave her a mouthful then got upset and reported her to admin.she just would not leave it alone. i think people with ask for advice iof they want it but they also need to give full facts so that any advice given is done so with full knowledge of the situation. no one knows if you have other contributinhg factors that need taking into account (other conditions that affect your nutritional requirtements... i.e. i have IBS/DIABETES 2/ACID REFLUX... PLUS OTHERS ;IKE SPINAL SPONDYLOSIS ON TOP OF THE BREATHING PROBLEMS. all these need to be taken into consideration. its no good tellin me to eat oranges for constipation whern im not allowed citrus fruits for example. advice is good if sought but risks losing friendship or making someone leave the site if an adviser doesnt listen properly or even know full circumstances. just my 20p worth (more than 2p worth.lol)
We have teams for support of each other, as well as new members. You never know when someone may need advice on a particular thing or just the support, as you or anyone else may need to be pointed in the right direction. I know my experience in the past the advice of other has been of help, it is also let's people know they are not suffering along out there. Hope this helps & hugs out to you all. Paul
I add people who inspire me, people who are new here and people who add me to their team. Many thanks for answering my many questions and I enjoy being here too.
Has Anyone Been Prescribed To Take Daliresp?
Oxygen Therapy
The Same Question!!