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Advice Wanted

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Gilbert, AZ

It’s not actually me that has copd. It’s my 76 year old father. I joined this website for him as he is not very good with technology. I’m very heartbroken to see him struggling and I’m so much pain. The copd is progressing very quickly- a lot quicker than I expected... we are talking a COMPLETE change from November of last year. He is now on oxygen full time, (wasn’t on it at all prior) he can’t barely feed himself without having major breathing issues, his days of walking are long gone, can’t… read more

March 9, 2018
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

I am in the same situation as your Dad, as I am 78 years old, Have COPD, Diabetes and have difficulty in walking long distances, anything over 100 meters being long.
The simple solution is portable oxygen concentrator that uses both pulse and continuous flow. On pulse the battery give about 8 hours and continuous about 4 hrs.
I always have three fully charged batteries. Ensure that the portable can be connected to power, car plug, with either able to battery charge and acceptable on airlines.
I also have a power only oxygen concentrator, non portable, plus one 10 liter and one 3 liter Oxygen Tanks for dire emergencies.
I now have complete freedom of movement and am back playing 18 holes of golf and more importantly able to play the most important 19th hole at the bar socialising.

April 10, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Oxygen capsules are a scam, pure and simple. Taking a pill or liquid containing oxygen will not increase the amount of oxygen in your blood. In 1999 The Federal Trade Commission won a settlement against a company claiming health benefits. Since that time companies in the US can sell the product but cannot claim that using the product has any health benefits.

March 12, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I did a lot of research on vitamins and supplements prior to retiring in hopes of learning something useful re: my COPD. In the end I decided to take a good daily vitamin and get as much healthy food in my system as I could. I worked for the State Health Dept and had professional contacts that allowed me access to university and private research engines. I still have access to a couple of them. The data regarding vitamins and supplements on those search engines contains both the propaganda research and the real research. Unfortunately at this point in time there really isn't any treatment outcome studies that show an actual benefit to supplemental vitamins and minerals. I know that you've read otherwise, we all have and people will immediately want to argue about what I just wrote but I don't bother engaging in the arguments anymore. Throughout history doctors and other health care professionals have been convinced of the value of some particular treatment or supplement only to learn later that they were completely incorrect. At this point in time that is where the actual science is on dietary supplements. Get him to do some movements, even if they're minor and please do have him evaluated for Physical Therapy. There might be something he can do to improve his health in that regard. I worked in direct care for 15 years and in administrative capacities for 14 years and am always skeptical of a treatment plan until I've learned a lot more. Someone named Jean is giving you good, professional advice. Please consider having your Dad evaluated by a second pulmonologist from a different work group. In the US Docs have been trained differently than in Europe in this regard. In Europe a second opinion is expected prior to surgery or any other major medical decision, here they are discouraged. Depending on the Docs you might even find yourself being treated with a measure of hostility if you want a second opinion. Carry on in spite of that. Best wishes...

March 11, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

@A MyCOPDTeam Member.....You are in our thoughts and prayers....It is not easy being the caregiver (with love)...for either parent. I took care of a husband with cancer Stage 4 upon diagnosis....he lasted 13 months...and that was at age 32.. I then took care of my mother who was diagnosed at age 52 . I felt like the world revolved around Cancer!!! It is never easy although you will have no regrets as you have done all that you can do. Please do not let these events of life define who you are....This is a part of life and each of us start this process at first breathe of life!!! ...At some point in our lives we must all get our things in order for a departure whether it is by accident or illness...None of us knows the day of our departure except the man upstairs. He's got the keys...Please know that your efforts have not gone un-noticed. They are very blessed to have you and you are doing an exemplary job of trying to find out information and treatments for both of them. Don't forget to take time for yourself even if you have to hire someone to step in for a couple of days and give you some respite. No one ever said life would be easy just that it would be worth it. God bless. We are here if you need help. Blessings and prayers.

March 14, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I spent 32 days in the hospital during a 3 month period this past winter. Lost a lot of mustle in my arms and legs. I did whatever I could even small things. Little by little I was able to do more and more. Still can't do a lot but I look forward to do what I can. I checked around for an inexpensive landscaper. Still clean my home even if it takes me 4 hours to do what took me 30 minutes last year. If you stay as active as you can. Don't be upset with what you can't do be happy with what you can

September 28, 2018

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