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Does Your Utility Company (Electric And Gas) Offer A Discount For People Who Have Medical Equipment?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Racine, WI

I know California offers discounts to all in-home oxygen users and I wonder about other states. I live in Wisconsin and they told me that I can't be disconnected and that I should buy a generator in case the power goes out. WE Energies also told me yesterday that they had removed my medical information from my file and I must resubmit.

March 6, 2018
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

I choose to keep an inverter and a car battery close for shorter power outages - maybe a jump box and your car charger for a portable unit would help -

April 10, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

As far as a generator, you may be able to get your state welfare to buy one for you, if you can show a medical reason you need one. I live in Michigan, and they don't give discounts as per ca, but they do have a program where I pay a certain amount every month, 25 for electric and 45 for gas, and the state pay's the rest. While I was on oxygen, they rented me a generator in case I would need one. But then I got my dr to write my oxygen script for liquid oxygen and I didn't have to worry about losing power again. Liquid oxygen is something to think about, if it's offered in your area. They filled my tanks about every 2 weeks. When I was using a concentrater I was on 4 LPM, but on the liquid it dropped to 3 LPM, so it's better for you.

March 7, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

@A MyCOPDTeam Member yup we get the shaft from our leaders while they line their pockets ! say it seems par for the course as they figure ways to make Seniors pay more for everything eh !

October 2, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Thanks to all who answered. If they tell you to get doctor notes, do it. Wisconsin doesn't give discounts but they will put you on a list of those who cannot be shut off. Mine did it with no trouble at all and told me it's too bad they won't do more to help. Talk to your county's services for the disabled too, they can sometimes help. Being broke isn't a sin but they sure try to make you feel like it is.

September 30, 2018
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hear they say to bad so sad but you youse the power so you have to pay the bill.May GOD bless us all amen.

September 30, 2018

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