Has Anyone Used Xoponex?
I have been on various inhalers for COPD. None of them help since I can't breathe them deeply enough into my lungs. Doc put me on nebulizer, but the Albuterol leaves me very shaky and my heart rate goes way up. I'm seeing him again on 1-18 and will ask him about Xoponex which supposedly does not have the same effects as Albuterol. Has anyone heard of, or tried, Xoponex? Thank you.
I have 3 different inhalers , But have Found the Himalayan Salt pipe Helps Me a lot .
May I ask what a salt pipe is? Thank you!
Went to see my doc on 1-18, and just as I thought, I've got bronchitis again. He gave me a shot of prednisone since my breathing was rough, and a 6-day supply of oral prednisone, plus an antibiotic. He also wrote the script for Xoponex for my nebulizer. Picking script up today and hoping it works better for me than the albuterol. Thank you for your suggestion.
shaky is Normal most everyone gets some shakes, try doing 1/2 treatment at a time, I have gotten use to it and no longer get shaky the Neb works the best for me and really helps maybe your doc can reduce the Dosage?
Like it says a pipe with Himalayan salt in it. Helps your breathing I guess like living on the coast and salt air
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Alternative Meds