Anyone Having Gum Sensitivity Using Inhalers?
Went for my 6 month cleaning and since I have been on my Anora my gums are so sensitive and bleed . Never had this problem before my dentisit said it could be related to my medication inhailer. Anybody else have this problem?
It could be a problem because you aren't rinsing completely after using Anoro. Many people get thrush; you may have a slightly different reaction with your gums. I'd try brushing my teeth after each inhalation and see if that helps. Also check with your pulmonologist to see if he might not prescribe the anti-thrush medication for you to see if that clears it up.
Rinse with salt water and use coconut oil overnight to prevent dryness
Rinsing after using meds helps and coating teeth and gums with toothpaste for sensitive gums using finger to apply before bed.
It is a rinse to gargle for thrust which you can get from the breathers. It helps your gums also like bleeding gums. You can get prescription from doctor
Inhaled cortisteroids can promote the growth of yeast causing candidiasis or oral thrush. That’s why it’s important to rinse and keep mucosa moist. Salt water, especially if you can gargle (trach patients can’t) is helpful and a lubricating mouthwash or good old coconut oil can moistuize oral mucosa, gums and teeth, helping to protect them.
Does Anyone Use Pro Air Respiclick? I Have Been Given A Trial Inhaler And Not Sure Yet How Much To Use. I'm Only Using It Twice A Day.
I Am Using A Trimbo Inhaler. Are There Any More Effective Inhalers Available For COPD?
Woke Up Feeling I Could Not Breathe.