What Do You Do To Not Become Depressed Or Go Stir Crazy When You Are Stuck In The House Due To Cold Weather.
I am an outdoor person through and through, but now I can't stay out too much because of bwlow freezing temps about 3 to 4 months a year so I am teaching myself to play the keyboard. I am not that good YET but I love it
Depression is deadly yet keeping ourselves active is a challenge with copd yet possible. Being able to talk with family or friends can be a tonic in its self . Feeling your alone in the world id debilitating ! Far too often we choose to isolate ourselves as it means we can avoid the issues that depress us. Having someone to talk with even a good listener, pets help alot as caring for them you have to care for yourself. Keep a diary stay busy even one`s faith can help do not fear reaching out for help !
I am on oxygen 24/7 its been a change that's for sure. I paint, I take old things and make them new again. Things for my yard, christmas anything that i can get my hands on. Just little things nothing big. Its relaxing and I love the process and watching it change, makes me feel useful.
I don’t think about what I can’t do but what I can do. I also don’t think this disease will kill me because I could die at any time in a car accident. So something else could easily take me. I do, however, choose to be happy each day and be involved in lots of charity work- I’m Stage 3 - usually go on 6 trips a year - no oxygen- workout 3-4 times a week and stay as active and upbeat as I can. My pulmonologist is wonderful- young and on top of things. Positive attitude and being grateful is everything. I’m fighting a lung infection now and sinus infection now- but my trip to Tucson was awesome and the hot air balloon ride on my birthday the best present ever!!! I’m 66. Live, love, and laugh. Breathe easy friend. Hugs!
Hi. Nice to see you using the site. I don't log in very often but I'm always available if you need to reach me. I have no idea what stages of disease I have or have had. I am diabetic with COPD and heart failure caused by COPD. Oddly, COPD is the one disease that requires more energy and burns more calories to breathe that I actually lost weight (60 lbs.). I went on a food plan with my dietician and was able to not only continue to lose weight (about another 20 lbs) but I have been able to give up most of medication except the breathing meds. There was a time when I thought taking 14 pills and 3 breathing treatments (minimum) a day was going to be the way I would die, and soon. But here I am. And I just started painting this year. A new career at 75? Maybe.
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