What Benefits Are You Entitled To
I have friends who have bus passes,blue badges and more support
I am on social security disability and I was approved right away. It took less than a month. I was quite surprised.. I had expected it to be more difficult. Perhaps you should be using COPD to qualify.
You can always contact a free service in the Citizens Advice Bureau in your area. They will not only tell you what benefits you are entitled to, but they will help you to obtain them as well.
This service is totally private and confidential.
I do have a handicap license plate that allows me to park close to stores. Other than that, my community has a program that has the garbage men come to your yard and take the bins to empty and then return them. I understand that I can request a handicap parking spot on my street but I would be responsible for signage so I have not pursued it. My daughter comes and cuts the grass for me luckily. Vacuuming is difficult so I take it slow with plenty of rests.
Electric company gives a discount if you use O2. Placard or handicapped license plates for your car. Good neighbors that will take your garbage cans to the other curb! Thank you!
I got a blue badge with perseverance
Just Realized My Real Name Is Being Used For All I Do On This Site. I Don't Know How Comfy I Am W/that.
Disability And Social Security
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS/BVRS) / Lung Solid Organ Transplant