How Do You Prevent Green Oxygen Tubing From Twisting And Kinking? I Use 50 Feet Of Tubing To Get Around My House.
YES I was told by a friends supplier to stretch the hose. My husband puts it under his foot and stretches it that way or just pulling it with your hands works but a little harder. It will not twist Soo much nicer!
I have found that using two 25 foot air lines with a swivel connector between helps keep them from kinking if I have to use a 50 foot line I have a lot of trouble with it kinking also the green lines don't kink as bad as the clear ones did.
I used to have the same problem...get 2 25' tubes instead of 50 and use a short one from the accumulator with swivels between all the links. Works like a charm.
i want to create a hose that retracts like the hose on the tv
My oxygen company gives me swivels to connect so you don't get twisted up
How Can I Prevent My 50 Feet Of Oxygen Tubing From Twisting And Kinking
Difference Between Portable Ox Cylinders Amd Their Home Oxgyen Concentrater. I Get A Much Stronger Flow With The Bottles. I Dont Fe
Oxyggen Tubing.....