Have Any Of You Been On Perforomist And Incruze Ellipta? If So Please Let Me Know How It Worked For You.
I don't think you know whether any inhaled med is working not until you stop taking it for at least week and preferably two, and see how you feel. Meds lkei Incruse are maintenance meds and you WON'T necessarily feel any different after you take it, but if it is working and you don't take it for two weeks, you'll definitely know that you're missing something. Remember to do this with one med at a time. It's a perfectly acceptable way to check to see if the meds are working.
Roxanne if you dont know if back but ins. aint bugin
your incruz is working or not it obviously isnt or you would feel the difference. i was on breo and spariva handy haler and they worked great .but than my medical insurance stopped paying for the breo and gave me dulara .and that is not doing anything for me at all .and ive been trying to get mt breo plus im on oxygen 24\7 and got cancer i cant do radiation or chemo treatments to cure it or it would kill me. tring natural meds
Incruse Ellipta works very well for me, no side effects. I had to try several other inhalers that did not help before I found this one.
I have been on Incruse Ellipta for about 1 1/2 mos. Still wheezing alot,and always short of breathe.I really can't say this has helped me much
Incruse Ellipta?
Ellipta Inhalers