How Does Getting Oxigen Does It Help With Bad Breathing Waiting To Get It Any Tips Please Christine X
I recently started to use Oxygen at night. It makes my whole day much better. Machine is noisy so if you can put it in a different room from where you are sleeping it is much more tolerable. After a few nights you become accustomed to the cannulla. The benefit far outweighs the inconvenience.
Samsung phones has an app thst has an oxygen level indicator you can download ftom the app store for free. It is called Samsung Health. Very easy to use and accurate too I tested it out at the doctors office and compared it with hers.
Here are some tips that your oxygen deprived, blue lips and blue fingers and toes. A red face with Copd patient when exertion is involved means a build up,of Co2 in the blood. My doctor pointed out to me that Copd patients also aquire ridges on their finger nails.
Be careful and only use the level prescribed by your doctor because too much oxygen can harm you too. If your on 3 liters stay with that and don't go any higher unless your told to. Going higher also can result in Co2 accumulating in your blood. Oxygen therapy is still considered a drug and it is easy to use to use to much and over dose by accudent. It protects your other organs and we need it but let the doctor decide what level he or she wants you on. Too much at a higher level can land you in the emergency room trying to breath
When I was first diagnosed they had me on it 24/7. After a while and experimenting with it I found what works for me. I do feel better if I use it at night. If I am sitting and watching tv or talking I don't use it. If I have to do a chore I then put it on. We are all different. Talk to your doctor during your experimenting phase and do what is right for you!
I Can't Sleep Laying Down Is This Part Of COPD?
I Woud Like To Know How Others Suffer Through Panic Attacks And COPD
Panic Breathing