I have worked in warehouses all my life and also drove a truck...i have moderate emphysema and tire very easy...i havent worked in 6 months...i had a total hip replacement a few years agocwhich continue wasnt easy but did what i had to do...after hip surgery i had breathing complications where my heart beat was in the 20s so was in icu for 3 days..had copd since 2000 and had no problems with tireness or breathing until then...i am now on a cpap at night and moderate… read more
In my state of Ky. You would be able to draw SSDI also Wellcare as supplemental state healthcare which worlks with meficare. Also if tou have a disability atty. You will come out better I believe.
I believe Angela is correct.
It should be very easy, SSDI . Hurry sign up rules are you must be off work 6 month before you can apply for social security... then have your doctor write a letter to the social security with Every thing in the world wrong with you Everything!. Then Social Security will go back 6 months and pay you for those six month and make you wait one year from that date for Medicare.. Remember the republican are going to steal almost a third of what you should get after they reduce Ours what is Owed to US... Then make phone appts to talk if will help get your $ faster. after I waited 6 month then the system started their clock . SOCIAL SECURITY has a sight on their website telling you causes for which they approve your illness . I had 15 out of 21 then I got my pacemaker 3 years later. my time total was 8 month when at first they said it could be 2 years...Hope this helps
You may not be eligible for SSI; that's income dependent and you are probably above the guidelines. You would be eligible for SSDI, disability insurance. You need to be unemployed for six months before your application can be considered, and the other thing to know is that once you're on SSDI you must wait two years before Medicare kicks in, so you need to make arrangements for health care on your own during that time. At that point, you might be income eligible for SSI benefits to supplement your SSDI income. There are lots of things to consider, including your mental health if you're not working. You might see if there are jobs you might do for your current company that wouldn't require the physical effort that's so hard for you. Just a thought.
@SsI You need to consult with your primary Dr. and Pulmonologist, you should be illegible for SSD. Complete disability, if you are no longer employed apply on line immediately or contact SS. Don't listen to nay sayers about waiting 2 years for disability if your Doctors fill out the forms correctly stating that you can no longer work you will be given benefits, I was given mine in 6 weeks that was 7 years ago. Good luck and breathe easy.
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