Hi I Am Wondering If Its A Good Idea To Get A Pneumonia Vaccination And A Flu Vaccination If You Have COPD?
I think it's absolutely necessary. I got a flu shot, the regular pneumonia shot and the new pneumonia shot. I haven't been sick in over 2-years. COPD compromises our immune system and I used to get colds, especially with any change in the weather. The good Lord and those shots have certainly helped me. Be well.
Absolutely get all three and then a flu shot every year.
Have anyone had a lung transplant are know of anyone . If so how are they doing .
Unless you have allergies to something in the vaccine you should have both pneumonia shots and a flue shot every year. Definitely talk to your doctor. Hugs
I went to pulmonary rehab with someone who just underwent a double lung transplant. She says she feels wonderful and is almost back to doing everything she used to do. She did end up in the hospital for 3 months before they let her go home. She is so lucky to have a very supportive husband and family. She said it was worth all the hard work. Are you going for it? Good luck to you, Sandra!
Getting The Wrong Vaccination
Has Anyone With Copd Had A Bad Reaction To The Flu Or Pnemonia Vaccines? What Do You Find Works Or Doesn't Work For You With Flu Ke Any
Is It Recommended To Get Both A Flue And Pneumnia Shot