Eating And Chronic Sleep
My main problem is whenever I eat, then I must nap. I've switched to a modified died that excludes refined sugars. I'm still a cookie girl and I do love my deserts. And pasta occasionally. I eat every 4-6 hours, small portions. Now that I'm feeling so much better after flare-up I'm cooking a lot. I am a foodie. My diet is vegetables, protein, fat. No breads, limited fruit.
I fight the urge to close my eyes for as long as I can, but as a result, more is getting done on my computer than in⦠read more
I'm told it is the carbs that require (and take!) all the energy for digestion. I've found that if I swap a sandwich for a salad in the middle of the day I don't have the desperate need for a post lunch sleep
The other night (Friday) I could not sleep. Did not sleep until 4 am, then woke up at 9 and had to get up. Saturday I was scheduled to go to a St. Patricks day dinner, went but left as soon as dinner was finished. I was exhausted but still could not sleep. Finally went to bed around midnight, took every kind of sleep encourager I could find, and laid down. Finally slept and did not wake up until around 10. So yesterday I did not sleep in the afternoon (as I quite often do) but had little snoozes in the evening and finally went to bed and slept. Sleep is sometimes an elusive thing and at other times, it is 'in your face', cannot stay away.
Mary, see your doctor about your depression and know you are not alone.
While I was in the hospital a pulmonary tech told me to eat soft foods that required little chewing so I wouldn't use as much oxygen. Oh please....if I have to be on a soft food diet I may as well give up. There are very few pleasures left in my life, let me enjoy a steak! So what if I have to nap later. So be it.
Eating itself takes energy, yes eat healthy foods but treat your self to and sod the dishers and house work do a bit when you can to keep active listen to your body and look after yourself.
Take a tip don't use plates
I find I am really tired after dinner, so I usually do the dishes that can't be put in the dishwasher, the next morning, when I have more energy. During the day I usually sit for a while after I do each task. I try to stay on a sleep schedule, 10pm until 9am . but some nights are better than others. Use my rescue inhaler once or twice during the day. Copd sure is a life changer !
Who Uses Prednisone Constantly