Thin Purple Line In Fingernails
I have a thin purple line that is above the white half moon on ALL of my fingernails. It looks like the half moon is being outlined with this purple line. Does anyone else have this? Does anyone know if this a sign of a deficiency of some kind? It is not caused by a traum injury. Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
My pulmonary doctor always looks at my finger nails each visit. I knew if they were purple, it could let him know how bad or good my condition is but I haven't had the nerve to ask him.. I'm just not ready to hear it . I am on oxygen every night. Home health care came at my doctor's request and checked my oxygen level with one of those little things they put on your finger. She came back the next day to check it and take it off. It showed my oxygen level was too low at night. It helps me I think. I don't need it in the day time (yet) thank goodness. I do pretty good. just get tired quicker than I used to. Also sometimes have coughing spells so bad at night , I have to get up and sit in a chair. But from reading from other people on this web site, I am blessed to be as healthy as I am now. I know it could change at any time but you can't just think on that and worry. Can't change it so just thankful for every day.
China do you have a fingertip blood oxygen meter. They are inexpensive and the monitor will measure the amount of oxygen in your blood. My doctor told me that oxygen level should be at 95% and above. I'm not sure that is your problem but my doctor suggested to use every day.
I was in the hospital for a week with pneumonia a few weeks ago, went to the hospital by ambulance I could not breath. They took all kinds of test on me I've been on 2 liters of oxygen for2 years or so. They came to the conclusion that I had too much oxygen in my blood so they put me on 1 liter. I feel so much better and I can breath deeply, I even went for a walk today and momped my kitchen floor. I mean I could'ntwalk acrss my kitchen floor without getting out off breath. Has this ever happened too any one else??
It's a warning sign your not getting enough oxygen to your body. I would talk with your doctor.
Please show it to your doctor. It may be a sign of low 02 . LarryJjoellenbeck is correct and the cost is around 40.00 - 50.00 dollars . You can sometime see them for less in health aide magazines .My doctor feels 94 to 95 percent range is best but if it occasionally drops lower it is not a problem as long as it stays in the mid 90's range the majority of time . We may have an exacerbation , cold , allergy etc that will cause it to drop slightly but he wants to see me if it does so he can see what is going on and treat it right away .
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