Anyone Else Tried OREMORPH. Irs Good
Oremorph is basically Morphine, in an oral solution containing Morphine Sulfate.
As you probably know it is an Opiod Pain Med.....I am on MS Contin which is the same ingrediants but in tablet form and controlled release.
For oral liquid I take Ondine which is Morphine Hydrochloride and it is for quick relief or as a PRN as prescribed by your doctor..
How it performs depends very much on your condition and dosage......I believe a total Morphine intake of 30mg per day is considered safe or it may lead to respiratory issues.....
Best to get all your information from your treating doctor as these meds are not safe to follow what you read on the internet........
BTW..Just checked your Profile and you are already on it so disregard my opinion....Will just leave the post up for others...HA
I take oramorph 2x5ml 4times a day it helps wth the other mobility pains I get but got told it suppress es your lungs and make t feel heavy your lungs esp on a night but I know when I haven't had it
i am on oramorph 4 times a day, and on fentanyl patches +morphine sulphate capsules, all theses were prescribed prior to my copd and i cannot say that they help with my copd
Hi All Has Anyone’s Dr Prescribed Oramorph For Their Copd To Take 1.25ml Twice A Day
Post 3:
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