How Danferous Is Cooking Over A Gas Flame While Using Oxygen
How dangerous is cooking over a gas flame while on oxygen?
As long as you're careful there is no reason not to cook while wearing O2. O2 won't start a fire, but if something does catch fire, the O2 will feed it. Use common sense, wear your cannula down your back instead of your front and use your brain. You'll be fine.
Thanks so much! I didn't clarify that it's my gas range and not a gas grill. I have been keeping my O2 cannula on the counter while I stir or whatever, then go take a few puffs then back to the stove. Inconvenient to say the least. Kind of thinking about switching to an electric stove top. Cannula down my back is a good idea!
My O2 cordinator told me to wait a least 10 minutes before trying to light my gas grill & stay off 02 while grilling!
Yea me two on the inside U just have to use common sense I think been doing it this way for the last six years
Safety With Oxygen
Safety With Oxygen
Since I Am On Oxygen 24/7 I Can't Use The Stove . Do You Have Any Suggestions?