How Can I Stay Focused On The Present Activity?
I recall sitting at important group meetings at work and lose focus on the presentation because I all I could think of was when the next break would be so I could have a cigarette. Right now as I am typing this, I am thinking about going out in the garage for a smoke!!!
Last year I was in the hospital with a C.O.P.D. attact, I didn't even know I had it. I was in there for 6 days with all test ran and finally found out what it was. It had been 26 years since I smoked, so it was a shook for me. You can quit, I will keep you in my prayers for that. I am on oxygen 24 -7 and its really not bad I still can almost do what I always have but just slower. Good Luck and I know you can do it and would feel so much better :)
I would try & think of something else other than smoking. I also cut up straws that were about the same fatness as a cig & would either chew on it or even block part of the other end & inhale like a cig but once I made the decision to quit all cigarettes were thrown away & I never bought another one. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Don't give up. If you slip forgive yourself & try again. Best way tho is not have any to temp yoy.
Jellybeans are good too
When I was in hospital - I got the short answer. Being given a wireless compact so my responses could be transmitted to the nurses station, I was told that I couldn't go out to the patio for a smoke as the data wouldn't get through the brick walls, and anyway I had given up. Pleased to know??
@New Member - Please take the advice KitKatz has given - Believe me with COPD, you need all the O2 you can get. Sometimes if you change what you do at the trigger times can help get through. I worked hard to get through the 1st day. From that day on it was easy - I just asked myself "Do you really want to go through that day ever again?" Each day that went by go easier. I didn't quit when I had COPD, I quit 10 yrs before my diagnosis. You have a very serious reason to quit. This disease is hard enough without smoking.
Plesae try really hard for your own health.
How's Everyone Doing Today Some Good Some Not So Good Iam At Work Start At 700 Am Till 800 Pm
Iwhy Did I React To So Badly To Trelegy. Ankles Swelled And Headache. I Been Taking Symbicort Before