Does Anyone Living Ontario Canada Take Copd Meds By Nebulizer, Who Is The Dr ? This Is For Advair & Spiriva Meds.
I find the mist in puffers hit my tongue most times. I want the full use of the medications and for it to go deeply into lung.
Hi patricia234 , I have a aerochamber. However I have a hard time keeping my tongue down when my lips are pursed around the mouth piece. I want to use a mask instead and I just have to sit and inhale like when I am in hospital with a flare up .... Thanks , relax and enjoy the day S
That is actually called an aero chamber and it is strongly recommended that u use one.
You both need a spacer, ask your Dr. For one or two
You need to use a spacer for full effect of inhalers.
A spacer works on some inhalers and gets more meds into your lungs. Ask your doc about one.
Is There A Significant Difference Between Advair And Spiriva?
My Rescue Inhaler Costs $474.00/mth#
Need An Inhaler