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Thinking About Stem Cell As A Cure For This Constant Shortage Of Breath. Any Comments About This Path?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Chicago, IL

Tired of being out if breath after limited walking, or especially stairs.
Anyone have this or lung replacement done?

January 24, 2016
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

Want to thank all of you for giving me this information. I saw a lung institute add, about the stem cell stuff, being an institute,,, waved at me. I called them, they are opening three new clinics, ad says, one in Dallas, I live close, called, they wanted me to pay them 500.00 dollars, to give me an appointment, while getting my records from my doctors.. Then after setting me with an appointment 7000.00 dollars, they provide a motel, and transportation to clinic.. Three days, first day they take blood, 2nd day go in for two hours, then third day, a blood with new stem cells in your blood. Then you can go home... That is their pitch.. I was excited, but soon lost that excitement... After more research,,, only stem cell research is thru the bone morrow, they are researching cancer. Not the lungs.... Hope this might help others to keep from being taken for our hard earned senior funds.... God Bless you all

January 27, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I was part of clinical trials in October 2014 at Royal Perth Hospital Western Australia. I found no difference but I am classified as server only 23% functioning. I do know that those who were only mild had found improvement. I think the future is exciting in this field but the patients would need to be given treatment at an early stage. It was just to late for me

January 31, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hi! I have heard about a coil that is already in use both here and the USA it opens your breathing tube and it stop you getting breathe less my dr won't have anything to do with progress so I am looking to see the cost of having it done privately if it doesn't suit you it is easily removed if you get replacement lungs you can't do anything about it if they don't fit you besides you only get. About 5yrs so you have a choice it's quality against what we already know but I am always on the lookout for new things

September 8, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Here's the link to the COPD Foundation's statement regarding stem cell treatments:

Here's another link:

The truth is that despite the advertising, there is no scientific evidence that any of the companies offering stem cell treatment for COPD work. No increases in FEV1, no improvement in 6 minute walk, no reduction of O2 usage, no reduction in med usage, nada, zip, zilch, zero. The only thing we know for sure is that people who have had the treatment are poorer by many thousands of dollars.

None of the current treatments are approved by the FDA, Medicare or private insurances. They generally cost from $5,000 to $10,000 per treatment with no results except that you're a good deal poorer. The companies have really glitzy web sites and lots of testimonials from satisfied customers. If you believed them, you'd think that people came dragging their O2 tanks behind them and left hopping and skipping down the path, tossing their meds away as the ran. Ask to talk with any of those satisfied customers: not one company has been willing to share a name or a phone number. As them for hard data and they don't have any. I've usually asked enough questions that they hang up on me. Try it!

I have known several people who were desperate enough to try the treatment. None of them saw any improvement over time, and three of the four have died (not from the treatments, but from COPD). Don't go there. In the words of Dr. Robert Sandhaus, "it's modern day snake oil".

January 24, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Great attitude & info. I don't like the pctgs also, so I'll wait.
Hopefully we're all around to see a viable cure/option.

July 6, 2016

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