Hi got my lung function results today
Severe COPD a fev1 of 0.99L(40%predicted)VC of 2.40L(83%predicted)and FEV1/VC ratio at 0.42 also impairment of gas transfer (KCO=40%predicted) in keeping an emphysema predominant phenotype
Can any explain it a bit easier for me please x
The FEV1 is the figure we often use to describe our "lung function". Basically, it means that you can expel 40% of the air from your lungs in the first second of exhalation compared to someone without lung disease who's your age, height, weight and sex. That's important and leads to the next important thing you mentioned which is gas exchange. The job of the alveoli in your lungs is to exchange CO2 for O2, and your lungs only do that at 40%, which means they are not very efficient.
What both those numbers mean is that you have an obstructive disease (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) which makes it harder for you to blow off the stale, trapped air in your lungs and exchange the CO2 for O2, which tends to make us short of breath.
For a really good explanation of how the lungs work and how all these things fit together, I suggest you go to http://www.copdfoundation.org/Learn-More/For-Pa...
It's an excellent explanation of how the lungs are supposed to work and what happens when we have COPD. You'll learn a lot and be far better educated regarding COPD.
I'm from Nebraska USA, I was diagnosed with Emphysema in July of 2009. I may have had it for 6 months to 1 year prior to diagnosis. It started with a dry cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. A chest x-ray confirmed it and I was placed on corticosteroids. As the disease progressed all medication stopped working, i was introduced to NewLife herbal clinic who have successful herbal treatment to Emphysema and other lungs related diseases. I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in USA and they all gave positive responses, so i immediately purchased the emphysema herbal remedy and commenced usage, i used the herbal supplement for only 7 weeks, all symptoms were reversed, herbs are truly gift from God. contact this herbal clinic via their email (newlifeherbalclinic @ gmail. com or visit www. newlifeherbalclinic. weebly. com)
Jean, thank you so much for your answer to the PFT results. I was DX'd 4 years ago and even the pulmonologist didn't explain it as well as you did. You are an angel....
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