Can I Ask If Anyone Has Blackouts/fainting When They Cant Stop Coughing ?
Since last year I have fainted/passed out when having a coughing fit, the first time was in hospital and when I had come round the nurses had found me on the bathroom floor and this has happened quite a few times since then, I have hurt myself badly a few times when this has happened they checked me over but didn't seem to worried about it my own doctor said that I might have something to do with me retaining carbon dioxide. "I think " can anyone tell me if its a regular occurance or should Iā¦ read more
I have never passed out from coughing, but i'd cough till i threw up, i have broncitis type Copd, but since i am on qvar, i don't cough, nor do i wheeze, nearly as much, wheezing was bad for me, both when i inhaled and exhaled, my dr said, that i also have asthma, and with the allergy season being so bad it wrecked havco with my asthmas, more so then my Copd.
I dont pass out when I cough, but I think if you do, it needs to be addressed. Thats dangerous, you could really injure yourself!!!
My prayers are sent to you and your husband. It is so important for your husband to try and and get out as much of that bad air as possible. All that bad air is only robbing him of space for good air. I would bet his breathing is very shallow, and probably rapid too. Rapid breathing can be also looked upon as o er breathing. It goes back to the old saying, "to much of a good thing, can be bad for you". Also if the oxygen machine is turned up to high, you will get the reverse results, that goes back to, to much of a good thing can be bad. Just for a couple of things you can check and observe for him. Although its not at all easy at times, training your body to breath right is a major important thi g to do. The more of that bad air pushed out, by the use of his stomach muscles, the better he will do. With inflamation in the lungs, the lungs start to fill up w/mucus, which robs the lung to be able to obsorb enough oxygen. Getting on your knees and fore arms, coughing, helps to push that crap out. Read God's word. Believe in God's word, trust His word, and have the faith to believe God will help you. Who knows other than God, when it's our time. No man has a right to put a time on you either. Practice good breathing. Remember, the more bad air you can push out, the more goo life saving air can come in.
@Useful?2 Please for sure get another opinion thats not right . My dad used to do that when he'd cough alot and when he'd get to laughing real hard come to find out it was his heart. He passed away the 2nd day he was in the hospital of a massive heart attack.Don't wait get another opinion. Good luck my friend.
It happened to me once last year before I was diagnosed but not since. I would definitely be getting a second opinion. It is scary and dangerous. I believe you need more investigation and help with implementing protocols and a management plan to help keep you safe.
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What Can I Do About A Cough That I Have?
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