Does Anyone Have A Problem With Steroids Causing Intestenial Problems Such Aas Gas Etc ?
Has anyone had a problem with steroids causing gas, bloating etc ? If so what do you do to stop it ?
@A MyCOPDTeam Member, Hello, oral steroids in larger doses can cause swelling, bloating and gas. So for example you are on inhaled steroids and take a burst of oral steroids yes this can cause bloating & possibly gas. When you quit or cut back on the steroids per your doctors orders this should go away. In the meantime gas X may give you some relief. Always check with your doctor when mixing medication with over the counter meds. Take care Barbara, God Bless. Breathe freely..............
@A MyCOPDTeam Member, well, if u had a bad reaction, don,t blame u, we all need to keep some control in our hands re what meds suit us, and what doesn,t. I had this argument when they wanted to give me a tab, which I knew made me feel depressed, so just refused. Blessings
Janet, I recently had gallbladder surgery and was intubated fir the procedure. My breathing became worse after the surgery but has been improving little by little. Had to be the anestisia from the intubation that caused it.
No I have often been on steroids and also in my sprays and never had a problem except for tremors.
I find the steroids play my bones up
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