I Went Into A Store That Sold Fragrances, Odor Was Delicious, But Took My Breath Away. Is This Normal. Aromas Have Never Bothered Me.
Some people find that some odors and scents can trigger coughing and cause shortness of breath. Not everyone reacts that way, but some people certainly do and really have to be careful. I'm one who doesn't react to scents, but I have many friends who have lots of difficulty with them. So it's normal for some of us.
Not only does perfumes start like a allergic reaction, but I usually have to hit my inhaler even if someone comes near me with perfume on, same with cigarettes now!!
I must say that ALL fragrances affect my husband as well. He cannot stand perfumes, hair sprays, or anything that gives off an odor.
Mal, who is my significant other, and the one with copd, cannot stand any fragrance. Cooking smells, candles, cleaning products. Seems its another perk of having this disease.
Different fragrances tends to trigger my allergies
Smells & Aroma`s
Does Hot Air Heat Have An Effect On Copd Sufferers
My Doctor Said It Would Be Ok For Me To Use My Hot Tub,, It Does Help Me All Around Feel Better What Do You All Think?