Does Hot Air Heat Have An Effect On Copd Sufferers
Hot air bothers me a lot. If you concerned about hot air like the steam from a shower. I always take two puffs of my emergency inhaler about 20 minutes before I get in the shower. This stops shortness of breath.
Hi Linda I also have to have a fan running year round when I sleep or I can't breathe and use my rescue inhaler a lot more in the summer months.
When running the heater in the house makes it hard to breath. I have to keep my vents in the bed room closed in order to breath. I also have to have a fan on year round. It hard on me breathing with the heater on. I don't know if this is what you are asking.
Also during the summer or gets to hot, I have to use my inhalers more.
It does me. I hate the thought of turning on the heater, I have to cover our vents in the bedroom where it will be cooler. I still us a fan year round. If it was up to me the heater won't be turned on, but we have to stay warm if I get to hot and can't breath good I go to the bed room where it is cooler. Linda Elton
I have to use my oxygen in the shower, even with oxygen I give out of breath and have to use my inhaler, same as if I go to another room while walking. Linda Elton
Can Anyone Tell Me Why I Start Coughing, When I'm Talking For Awhile?
The Weather
I'm Trying To Figure Out Humidifiers.