Has Anyone Tried Salt Therapy?
Have managed to get a coupon for a 1 hour session of salt therapy treatment. Have also seen Salt Pipes and wondered if they are of any benefit?
Salt pipes are inhaler-type devices containing 'specialist' tiny salt particles. They are 100% natural containing no drugs. Note that they are NOT a cure - merely an aid and should not be viewed as replacing existing inhalers.
On inhalation, the moisture of the air moving through the internal salt crystals absorbs microscopic particles of salt allowing it to penetrate the entire respiratory tract. This cleanses the respiratory system and opens airways (similar to saline inhilation).
The user is able to breath easier due to the thinning effect of the salt on mucas, helping it to clear naturally.
In the UK the pipes cost from £15 and can last for up to 3 years.
From my experience, relaxing and breathing in 'Salt Caves' is excellent and definitely aids breathing. (ie rooms coated with special salt and salt particles fed into the room using the same principle as air Conditioning). But repeat sessions can be expensive. Although not as effective, I now use salt pipes which are cheap, portable and long lasting. Worth a try.
Amazon: search Himalayan salt inhaler, I found one for less than $20 I haven't purchased it yet. I do have 3 of the Himalayan salt lamps though and I can tell a big difference in my breathing.
I use water with my concentrator at night. I put salt in the water, so I breathe it all night. The moisture and salt have helped my throat. It used to stay sore, but no more. My primary put me on to this when she prescribed normal saline for my nebulizer treatments.
I have never heard of salt therapy. Will be watching to see if anyone responds.
Has Anyone Tried Salt Therapy?
Has Anyone Tried Salt Rooms?
Has Anyone Heard Of, Or Used, Salt Therapy For COPD?