Short Of Breath After Meals?
Do any of you have any issues with shortness of breath and chest tightness after eating ?
@White tiger yes I do When I start that I usually just wait a few minutes or eat the rest a little later. I I believe they told me your diafram is tightening . Eat less and eat more meals so that helped me Hope it will help you PBakaPam
Yes...I do also, but my answer is the same as most others. Smaller portions so my stomach isn't pushing up under my ribs. I also have Acid Reflex so my pills for that help me quite a bit.
Since I was diagnosed with COPD, I have been paying attention to my body signals...example, blanking out and forgetting things I know. I check my oxygen level and then if its good, I use my inhaler. If my oxygen level goes below 95, then oxygen is needed. I am only on a level 1. I was told by a doctor not to become completely oxygen dependant, due to keeping my lungs strong. Things that trigger are anxiety, stress, worry, strong smells, animal dander and fast pace walking when I am in a hurry. Since my primary doctor listened to my symptoms and changed a few medications, I am doing better. Acid reflux will trigger things too! If you want to know my medications, just ask.
I do also I think it depends on the meals size
Cathy, those saltines are carbs, which may be why you feel so full. That said, that little amount shouldn't make you hurt. It's probably a good idea to talk with your doc about that, because it could be something that has nothing to do with COPD.
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Shortnessof Breath