Does Anyone Have An Acute Sense Of Smell?
I smell smoke, it irritates my nose and throat. My husband doesn't notice it. Am I crazy, or can we be affected by odors that others don't notice? I use air purifiers. The one in the bedroom has helped greatly, but the one in the living room must not be big enough, because I still notice it.
Thank goodness I'm not going crazy. I smell something like burning sawdust a lot and I can smell dampness. I can also smell body odour. Very annoying. I never smoked so it isn't an enhanced sense of smell from quitting. Yes, I said I never smoked and I have COPD.
OMG, yes. I smell all sorts of things. Someone in the stores has this ungodly awful perfume or hairspray. It lingers and leaves a trail. Think it is just from not smoking anymore. Also, my oxygen delivery person wears a cologne (or sweat) that leaves a trail in my house. ( Maybe I was a blood hound in another life?) lol.
I too smell things "loudly". I can never seem to find the source of the odor either. Very frustrating, and I spend a lot of time "sniffing" myself, my husband and even the dog! Haven't sniffed at strangers yet tho,LOL.
I'm not glad you have that problem, but I am glad I'm not the only one. But I smell everything really loudly. My granddaughter lives with me & says she doesn't smell anything. She really doesn't believe me. This sounds strange but I worked fast food most of my life & had taught my self to black out those smells. I was almost the opposite of myself after heart surgery I figured I had lost that capability. I guess it's the COPD?
I think our sense of smell some how amplified when we weren't looking! I thought it was the cigarette thing too but it has been 3 years since I had one & the world really stinks (smells).
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