How Long Can You Live With Copy From Been Diagnosed
I would like to no how long people can live with copy from first been diagnosed with the illness
Well, it probably took you 30 years or more to develop the disease to the point where you or your doc noticed something was wrong, and depending a bit, you can certainly live for 20 or 30 years after it's diagnosed, depending on what you do with a little luck on the side. COPD isn't something you "come down with"; you develop it over years. Once you're diagnosed, if you exercise every day for at least 30 minutes non-stop, watch your weight, use your meds as directed, eat reasonably, get your flu and pneumonia shots, avoid people with bugs and get to your doc ASAP when you do get something respiratory, you could certainly live for a good long time, depending on your age, and with a bit of luck.
Unfortunately, some people do everything right, and still their lung function continues to take a nose-dive until their lungs won't support them any more. Usually it's pneumonia or bad bronchitis that causes more damage (that's why you want to avoid getting really sick), but some people just continue to lose lung function faster than normal even after they quit smoking. We don't know why this happens; there's lots of research going on trying to figure out why that happens to some folks and not others.
I've had COPD since 1985, I'm 71 and I fully intend to live to be 90. Bottom line: no one comes with an "expired by" date on their forehead. A lot depends on you, what you're willing to do for yourself and a bit of luck.
I've had it for over 10 yrs. Just keep moving , never give up. I had a lobectomy 2005 many hospital stays . Positive thinking exercise and 8 to 10 glasses of water a day . Doctors are a great help , but you have to do the work needed to make it .
I just want to try to stay the way I am as long I can. Got down to 10 hours with my oxygen, at night. I just been on holiday down at sea level, lovely winter time. I drive my car, and can park outside shops, so happy.
When I got sick and had to stay in hospital in May, I got worried because felt that I was worse. But after two weeks at home, I could go back to normal. Stay possetive....take care
I don't worry about how long I just want to get as much out of it as I can...
I am starting clinical trial next month on a new drug will keep all posted. I could not get into trialos for Liberate or Renew to to being in the hospital.
What Are The Stages Of COPD And The Life Expectancy
How Long Can You Live With COPD?