As Anyone Been Through A Lung Transplant Evaluation
I have been through it all. I have had the transplant two years ago and unfortunately have some complications. I have to say if i had not had it i would be dead. I just have to continue to believe and rely on God. My savior, my healerand deliverer.
So what was the result? Did you get listed?
Love my Lord Jesus Christ
I went through it, many tests over several months. I was put on the list and had a double lung transplant 6 months ago. I feel great and can breath again.
Thankfully here we don't pay like you do in USA. . We do pay monthly out of out wages a small sum for the NHS. I am being referred to the transplant consultant for a discussion. Won't hear anything for a few months yet though. It is a start on a long trip up the ladder. Need to start now before I get too ill to be able to think about it.
How Do You Feel About Lung Transplants? I Am A Stage 4. Doctors Have Suggested It As Nothing Else Is Helping Me. Thanks For Responding.
Lung Transplant
New Lung Treatments