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How Long Do The Flare Up Usually Last?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bryan, OH
April 24, 2015
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

It really depends on what you're calling a "flare-up" and what you do about it. An exacerbation or flare-up is defined as any increase in your COPD symptoms that requires some sort of intervention by a doc to clear up: so anything that requires an antibiotic or prednisone or both or puts you in the hospital. If you can catch things early and avoid the hospital, that's all to the good. I've had some that took several months to get back to where I was before the exacerbation, and I've had some that only took a couple of weeks. It really depends on you and how quickly you seek help and how sick you get.


April 25, 2015
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I am on my first flare up and it started in Feb. and I have been on prednisone twice and I still have a lot of pain.

April 27, 2015
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Good answer Jean , I'm on my second week of antibiotic , prednisone, breathing treatment 2times a day. I caught mine early enough I think. I'm feeling better. Go back to Dr. 13th . First flare up I've had that was bad.

April 26, 2015
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Thank you. Guess I will be calling the Dr.

April 25, 2015

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Copd Flare

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bay City, MI

How Long Do The Flare Ups Last?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Sydney, AU

How Long Do Exasperation Usually Last

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Lavaca, AR
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